Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Death of a Stupid Man?

Some things defy explanation. They must be taken on faith; you either understand it or you don't. I believe the image above is all the explanation most people will need in order to understand this post. Unlike all of my other posts thus far, this doesn't contain a recipe, images taken during preparation, or fancy lessons learned during the process of making this monstrosity. Instead, I'm posting a single image: one that conveys all that needs to be said.

The wonder depicted at the top of this post is known as the Coronary Burger (at least as far as I know), and may be one of the most awesome things in the universe. It may also be the cause of my untimely death--that remains to be seen, of course. As may be evident, it is a burger, but in place of buns it utilizes two grilled cheese sandwiches. Naturally, no burger is complete without bacon, which is amply represented by four slices piled atop the patty itself. Condiments are necessary as well, of course: slight mayo on both "buns" and an ample portion of ketchup (read: half a bottle).

Some may call me crazy for making this creature, and crazier still for eating it. I pity those unfortunate souls, for they shall never understand the wonder that is this burger. It was a marvel to behold and a delight to consume. While my heart may not appreciate the years I just took off my life, I consider the sacrifice well worth it. Attempt at your own risk!


Orchid64 said...

I never heard of this before, though I do think it's less disgusting than a burger made with donuts.

Actually, it's just a cheeseburger with extra bread and cheese due to the grilled cheese, right? I don't know how one man can eat that much. I think T. and I couldn't eat half of one of those by ourselves.

My hat is off to your sir, at least until you expire. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Carl approves....
